Workshop on Intrusion Tolerant Systems
  The Intrusion Tolerant Systems Workshop will provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of current efforts to develop subsystems and systems that can continue operating, perhaps in a degraded mode, in the face of cyber attacks. The goal of the workshop is to have a critical and productive discussion of the state of current research and development efforts in the area of intrusion tolerant systems and to dentify promising directions for future research in the area.

Several promising contributions describing current research efforts in the area of intrusion tolerant systems have been received and reviewed by the Program Committee. To make the most of the one-day workshop, the Co-Chairs have decided on the following organization. Please refer to the DSN 2002 ITS workshop web site: for the latest information on the systems to be presented and the names of panelists.

The day will be organized as three sessions with distinct purposes.
In the first session, following the morning plenary on the first day of the conference, the assumptions, architectures and technical details of selected systems will be presented to the workshop (and to the Red Team members, see below) by researchers who are developing them.
In the second session, following lunch, a "red team" panel drawn from the Program Committee and other experts will address each of the presented systems in turn to try to show vulnerabilities and weak points. The red team panel members will have been provided with further material on the systems under discussion in advance of the workshop. The researchers who presented the systems will have the opportunity to rebut the hypothesized attacks and contributions will be invitedfrom all workshop participants.

In the third session, a separate set of participants will comment on the results of the red-teaming and propose fruitful research avenues based on the day's discussions. Again, contributions from all workshop participants will be welcome.

At the end of the day, the organizers hope that the workshop participants will have both a better understanding of current research efforts in the area, their strengths and weaknesses, and an idea of where further research might be directed.

In addition to the discussion, the organizers plan to make space available in the workshop room for demonstrations of prototypes of two current intrusion tolerant system efforts; these may be viewed by participants during lunch and breaks as well as at the end of the day.


Steven Bellovin
AT&T Labs Research, USA
<[email protected]>

Carl Landwehr

National Science Foundation, USA
<[email protected]>

Program Committee

Badger, Lee (NAI, USA)
Chandersekaran, Sekar (Microsoft, USA)
Dacier, Marc (IBM-Zurich, Switzerland)
Deswarte, Yves (LAAS-CNRS, France)
Heimerdinger, Walt (Honeywell, USA)
McGraw, Gary (Cigital, USA)
Reiter, Mike (Carnegie-Mellon Univ., USA)
Schneider, Fred (Cornell Univ., USA)