Sponsored by: IEEE Computer
Society Technical Committee on Fault-Tolerant Computing
and IFIP WG 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance. |
In co-operation with:
DARPA, LAAS-CNRS, and University of Michigan
Call For Papers: DSN-2001 Student Forum |
This track will provide the opportunity for students working in the
area of dependable computing to present their research and to interact in various ways. The track will include sessions featuring On-Going
Student Research papers and a Poster session. Both papers and posters
should be singly authored by students, and describe preliminary results
and/or future directions of on-going research that is expected to continue
over the next one or two years. |
On-Going Student-Paper Submissions: |
All papers should be written in English and typed using the standard
(double column) IEEE format. The maximum length of a paper should be
3 pages, and it should be submitted in its final form, ready to be
printed. Submissions must be done electronically. The authors should
send by email the PDF file of the paper to the Student Forum Chair. |
Student Poster Submissions: |
A brief description of the poster should be submitted electronically.
Students from the On-Going Student Paper track can also submit posters.
Display supplies (e.g., easel, poster boards, etc.) will be provided
at the conference. |
Deadlines: |
Submit by 22 April 2002. |
Notification by 8 May 2002. |
The submissions should include your name, postal address, electronic mail
address, telephone number, and fax number. For more information about
submitting a Student-Forum paper or poster, about On-Going Student-Paper
submissions, about electronic submission procedures, or regarding student
travel scholarships, please contact the Student Forum Chair. |
Student Forum Chair: |
Nuno Ferreira Neves | [email protected] |
Student Forum Program Committee: |
Cachin, Christian (IBM-Zurich, Switzerland) |
Castro, Miguel (Microsoft, Cambridge, UK) |
Hiltunen, Matti (AT&T Labs Research, USA) |
Vaidya, Nitin (Texas A&M Univ., USA) |